Yogesh Agarwal

Business Head

Yogesh Agarwal, 60, a Mechanical Engineer with Advance Management from Harvard Business School, started his career in Automobile Sector. He then moved to White goods industry before moving to Paper Industry. He joined No. 1 Paper company in India – Ballarpur Industries Limited, in 1999, for heading the Paper business (Sales & Marketing) function and soon moved to head the entire Paper business, responsible for EBITDA and ROCE for the business. He is also responsible for the turnaround of the Paper Business of the Company.

He has also been a keynote speaker in various international forums like PPPC, RISI, Harvard Business School, FPTA etc. He has served as President of Indian Paper Manufacturers Association (IPMA) from January 2013 to January, 2015.

His strength lies in bringing together and building charged teams of high potential-high performing people. Truly an outdoor person, he attributes his success to his intellectual curiosity & ability to apply the same in new set of circumstances, hard work and passion. His vision and pragmatism has helped BGPPL to become a successful company in India and abroad.