* Plus 5% HST tax. All prices in Canadian dollars.

  1. If your company plans to have multiple attendees at the event, you may want to consider our sponsorship packages, which also include multiple passes for the event. Please refer to the Sponsorship page for more details.
  2. If permission from presenters is not granted for the distribution of their material, then we are prohibited from releasing their presentations in any format.
  3. Online registration will remain open until June 3rd, 2025. To appear in the official registration list distributed to attendees, all registrations must be completed by May 23rd, 2025.
  4. All event cancellation requests must be sent in writing to events@pppc.org. Cancellation made before May 1st, 2025 will be subject to a 25% cancellation fee. Cancellation made between May 1st and May 24th will be subject to a 50% cancellation fee. Cancellation after May 20th will not receive a refund.